
Technical debt (or, mortgages in Haskell)

I recently got fed up trying to understand my mortgage using excel. After twenty minutes guddling with cells and individual values, I felt the need to create higher-level abstractions such as “mortgage” and “payment strategy”. I also wanted to create a list of possible repayment strategies and easily compare them to see how it affects the loan duration and total interest payed. This is possible in excel, but no fun.

So, fast-forward to the end of an evening’s hacking with Haskell. I now have hmortgage, a EDSL for expressing payment strategies and code which will expand out a mortgage into monthly steps, like this:

We are looking at loan of £1000.00 at 5.0% over 10y, which has required monthly payment of £10.58
        Total interest: £272.97 Total payments: £1272.97 Duration=10y 1m
Overpayment scenario "2 pm, 200 initial":
        Total interest: £132.09 Total payments: £1132.09 Duration=6y 3m
        Compared to baseline: interest=£-140.88, payments=£-140.88, duration=-3y 10m
For month 1, balance: £1000.00 -> £791.58       (interest: £4.16, payment: £212.58)
For month 2, balance: £791.58 -> £782.29        (interest: £3.29, payment: £12.58)
For month 3, balance: £782.29 -> £772.96        (interest: £3.25, payment: £12.58)
For month 4, balance: £772.96 -> £763.60        (interest: £3.22, payment: £12.58)

ie. if you overpay by £2 each month, and pay an initial lump sum of £200, you’ll save about £140 overall and will repay the mortgage nearly 4 years early.

There’s a few points of haskelly interest in this code, mostly inspired by stuff I read a few years ago – behaviors in FRP, and SPJ’s “composing contracts” paper.

Combinators for payment strategies

I have a few primitive payment strategies, which can be combined into more complex strategies:

  • monthlyPaymentsOf (100 Pounds)
  • lumpSumOf (100 Pounds)
  • lumpSumOf (100 Pounds) `after` (1 Year)
  • monthlyPaymentsOf (100 Pound) +. (lumpSumOf (100 Pounds) `after` (1 Year))

Shallow embedding of DSL

The dsl is a shallow embedding; it represents the monthly payment plan as a function from month-number to the payment amount, ie. Integer -> Currency. There’s a problem with this approach – the only thing you can do with a function is apply it to some arguments. This is fine for finding the payment for a particular month, but I would also like to derive a textual description of the payment plan – which isn’t possible with functions.

From stuff I’ve read previously, I think my two options are:

  1. Lisp-like: Represent the payment schedule as data (ie. like an AST) and provide an eval function. This allows introspection into structure of the payment schedule. Code is data, data is code.
  2. Arrow-like: The payment strategy could be a tuple of the function and a textual description. When strategies are combined, the combinator would merge the textual descriptions as well as producing new combined functions. I’m not totally convinced that the english language is ‘compositional’ in this way though – it might end up with really clumsy phrasing.

Crazy Lennart-inspired postfix operators

Initially, the only way I had to create a ‘Currency’ value was via the ‘pounds’ function. In haskell, the function precedes the argument, hence it looks like “pounds 20”. The source code would read nicer if I could write this as “20 pounds” like we do in english. I didn’t think this was possible in Haskell.

Then I remembered seeing Lennart Augustsson’s crazy embedding of BASIC into Haskell. In particular, he had code which looked like this:

runBasic $ do
  20 END

How the heck does that parse? It’s using ‘do’ notation, so “20 END” must have a type in the Monad class. But, as I understood things, “x y” means “apply the (function) value x to value y”. And “20” doesn’t look much like a function to me.

Digging into the source, I found this:

-- 10 END
instance Num (END -> Expr a) where
    fromInteger i c = ...

Hmm, interesting. This is saying that (some) function type can be treated as if it is “number like” and provides a mechanism for converting integer literals in source code to that type. I hadn’t fully appreciated this, but the Haskell Report says that numeric literals aren’t quite as literal as I expected – the literal integer value gets passed through ‘fromInteger’ and can therefore be made into any Numeric type.

So this code really says “Hey ghc, if you come across a “42” in the source code, you can turn that into a function if you need to”. In the BASIC example, the next thing on line 20 is “END”, a constructor for the type also called END. So, ghc will be looking to turn “42” into something that can be used as a function taking an argument of type END, and so it’ll call this instance of fromInteger.

Hurrah, I can use the same ‘trick’ to make my currencies look nicer:

data MONEY = Pounds | Pence

instance Num (MONEY -> Currency) where
  fromInteger i Pounds = C (i * 100)
  fromInteger i Pence = C i

Now I can say “42 Pounds” or “23 Pence”. The “42” will become a function with type MONEY -> Currency. The “MONEY” type is really just a tag – used to choose the parse but that’s it. The Pounds/Pence tags force the appropriate overloading of fromInteger to be chosen, and this will construct a Currency value (represented as number of pence, and using a simple wrapper constructor called C).

Is this better, or just “clever”? I’m not sure yet. It’s certainly easier to read. But I feel I’ve taken a step away from “pure haskell” into a slightly weird world. Still, if I were writing in lisp, I wouldn’t think twice about doing this kind of thing.

The actual app

Shocker, I’ve produced an app which is actually useful to me in “teh real world”. I have a big TODO list of stuff which will fit nicely into the app – time-varying interest rates, inflation predictions and NPV calculations. None of which, of course, I will ever actually get around to adding. But it’s still useful in its present state, so a win!

Here’s what the “summary” view says – it omits the montly breakdown and instead reports the overall savings possible via the different payment strategies:

We are looking at loan of £1000.00 at 5.0% over 10y, which has required monthly payment of £10.58
        Total interest: £272.97 Total payments: £1272.97 Duration=10y 1m
Overpayment scenario "2 pm, 200 initial":
        Total interest: £132.09 Total payments: £1132.09 Duration=6y 3m
        Compared to baseline: interest=£-140.88, payments=£-140.88, duration=-3y 10m
Overpayment scenario "2 pm only":
        Total interest: £216.50 Total payments: £1216.50 Duration=8y 1m
        Compared to baseline: interest=£-56.47, payments=£-56.47, duration=-2y
Overpayment scenario "200 initial":
        Total interest: £163.52 Total payments: £1163.52 Duration=7y 8m
        Compared to baseline: interest=£-109.45, payments=£-109.45, duration=-2y 5m
Overpayment scenario "400 initial":
        Total interest: £87.73 Total payments: £1087.73 Duration=5y 6m
        Compared to baseline: interest=£-185.24, payments=£-185.24, duration=-4y 7m
Overpayment scenario "200 after 2y":
        Total interest: £191.42 Total payments: £1191.42 Duration=7y 10m
        Compared to baseline: interest=£-81.55, payments=£-81.55, duration=-2y 3m
Overpayment scenario "400 after 2y":
        Total interest: £137.90 Total payments: £1137.90 Duration=5y 10m
        Compared to baseline: interest=£-135.07, payments=£-135.07, duration=-4y 3m

Eep, it’s 01:30 .. how did that happen? Stoopid jetlag …


DRM fail

I recently got the NASA When We Left Earth DVDs, and I thought “great, I’ll be able to watch them during my Seattle trip”. So, I put them into the hotel DVD player tonight .. and got a “cannot play” error. Arg, the dvd’s will be region 2 (europe) and the player is region 1 (US). So, despite this being a completely legal, paid for copy of the DVDs which I brought with me, I cannot watch them! Grr!


Sleepy in Seattle

What does one do to stay awake in Seattle after getting up at 3am, 14 hours of travelling and an 8 hour timezone shift? In my case, grab a coffee (how native) and head to the awesome Seattle Public Library. Without much of a plan, apart from staying awake. As it turns out, I randomly stumbled upon an archive of Communications of the ACM dating back to the very first edition, in 1958.

1958 was a strange old world. Things considered newsworthy: buying a new computer (as in, ‘Foo University has purchased an IBM 456 with 2048 bytes of memory’), upgrading the memory in your existing computer (particularly when you are building said memory from scratch yourself). Other articles included puzzles similar to chess end-games – ie. implement [trivial operation] using only 6 bytes of IBM xyz machine code but without using any jump operations.

I skipped forward to November 1976, the month I was born. An article by Jim Gray on db locking in which it’s necessary to define the term ‘transaction’ explicitly. The previous month, there’s an early paper about texture mapping by Jim Blinn with lots of pretty pictures. Again, it’s enlightening to see ‘basic’ stuff being laboriously explained .. for example, why you get aliasing effects if you sample the texture naively. But wasn’t “basic stuff” back then; it was the frontier of knowledge.

Only the flight across, I was reading a biography of Oliver Heaviside. The book covers both his physics work and also the world, time and society that he lived in. In particular, it’s fascinating to read about how resistant (sic) “practical” electrical engineers were to the new-fangled mathematics-wielding theoreticians who had started to dominate the field. There were many vocal engineers who were quite sure that they didn’t need “all that maths stuff”.

For every success story celebrated and enshrined in today’s textbooks, there were many other forgotten voices arguing against that viewpoint in the publications of the day. I’m sad that almost every textbook I read at university missed out all of this rich tapestry – instead they provided a neatly cut-and-dried distillation, devoid of any human context. To me, real science was. and presumably still is, a process of muddling around in a sea of uncertainty and conflicting schools of opinion. I seemed to learn about the abstract scientific method (very useful!) but not so much about the day-to-day struggles of real scientists. Much later, I found my way to Thomas Kuhn and biographies of Faraday, Maxwell, Boltzmann, etc. And there I found a much more interesting picture, crucially explaining the ideas in their original context.

So it’s nice to be able to go back to the original sources and imagine what it might’ve been like to be a ‘computer person’ in 1958 .. to see what kind of ideas were thinkable in that time, to see who was prodding at the boundaries, and to see how much is recognizable today.